Renewable Energy Targets and Energy Mix

In line with the ECOWAS Regional Renewable Energy Policy, the Sustainable Energy for All initiative and the Sustainable Development Goals, Liberia aims to achieve the following in terms of renewable electricity to be installed outside Monrovia:

  • Total share of renewable electricity in the electricity mix from renewable energies excluding large hydro (mini-hydro, solar and biomass) of 10% in 2020 and 19% in 2030. In line with the target of 10% in 2020 and 19% in 2030 established under ECOWAS Regional Renewable Energy Policy.
  • Total share of renewable electricity (including large hydro) in the electricity mix in excess of 45% by 2020 and 75% by 2030. Considering the new target of 10 and 19% for renewables without large hydro plus the planned 200 MW large hydro developments of Mount Coffee, St. Paul and VIA reservoir. In excess of the 48% regional target.
  • Develop a Renewable Atlas and Strategy for Liberia, including a more detailed and comprehensive hydro potential assessment. In order to select the most adequate locations and renewable energy mix for the goal of 10% and 19% incorporation.
  • Installation of at least 150 MW of renewable generation - excluding large hydro - by 2030 and 45 MW already by 2020. Target capacity estimated according to tentative renewable mix and the goal of 10% and 19% incorporation.
    • On the National Grid: More than 25 MW until 2020 and 100 MW until 2030;
    • Outside the National Grid: More than 20 MW until 2020 and 50 MW until 2030.
  • On Solar Energy: At least 20 MW on the National Grid by 2020 and 60 MW by 2030. At least 15% of total estimated peak load can be implemented without significant impact on the system and no requirement for storage – being already competitive with HFO.
  • On Biomass: At least one 5 MW biomass power plant on the National Grid already by 2020. In large decentralized grids to install as much diesel capacity as biomass gasifiers in order to minimize diesel generation. Biomass energy should be developed in areas and in a way without significant competition with biomass for charcoal.
  • Universal access to affordable solar renewable lamps (to all non-electrified population) with the target of 250.000 solar renewable lamps sold in Liberia by 2030.

Renewable share. The next Figure shows the estimated evolution of electricity consumption in all of Liberia (both Monrovia and rural) that results from combining the Least Cost Power Development Plan (LCPDP) with the Rural Energy Master Plan. The large hydro generation results from the proposed development plan of the LCPDP which considers the implementation before 2030 of Mount Coffee, VIA reservoir and St. Paul hydro schemes in a total of 200 MW and 1 369 GWh generation per year. The other renewables (Solar, Biomass and Mini-hydro) result from the Rural Energy Master Plan and the targets set above. Estimated generation by HFO/Diesel and imports will depend on available regional opportunities. Between 2020 and 2025 a significant growth in non-renewable generation will be required as the St. Paul hydro scheme with 120 MW is only expected to commence delivery after 2025.



Flexibility for project location in the National Grid. Rural Energy Master Plan targets the installation of a total of 150 MW of renewable based generation until 2030. On Decentralized Grids the locations for project installation have already been selected, subject to more detailed feasibility studies. On the National Grid the possibilities are innumerous for the location of solar, biomass or mini-hydro power plants and even different combinations to achieve the 10% and 19% targets are possible. The Rural Energy Master Plan proposes a tentative distribution without identifying concrete projects or locations. A comprehensive renewable atlas and strategy taking into consideration the levelized cost of electricity of the different options, the technical feasibility and the capacity of the grid to absorb such projects should be completed and a tendering Legislative, Regulatory and Administrative framework defined.