Communication Strategy

Communication target audience and objectives. Communication is a key element of the Rural Energy Master Plan implementation with the following key objectives for different target audiences:

For Liberian Population:

  • Maximize acceptance by population of electricity services and providers and promote adherence to such services;
  • Change habits of consumers on cooking (introduction of city gas and efficient cook stoves);
  • Create awareness of available products, services and job opportunities (e.g. Solar Portable Lamps, Credit lines, training centers, …);
  • Reduce gender inequality and encourage stronger participation of women on rural energy sector activities and jobs;

For entities directly involved in the implementation of the Master Plan:

  • Maximize coordination and information sharing between the implementing entities, namely the Program/initiative coordinators and the Responsible entities;
  • Engage public sector institutions and public companies to secure their support and commitment to the implementation of the Master Plan and of the future institutional framework;
  • Procure participation of private sector companies in the implementation of the Master Plan;

For donors and other stakeholders:

  • Procure and secure the commitment of donors, financial institutions and other international stakeholders to fund the Rural Energy Master Plan projects and investments.
  • Engage stakeholders to secure their support and commitment to the implementation of the Master Plan through a clear and transparent communication on progress and involvement/ consultation on key elements of implementation;

Communication mix. Different methods and tools will be applied to communicate the right message to the different target audiences.

Liberian population. RREA communication shall convey the benefits of electricity, efficient cooking and appliances. It will be mostly based on “above the line” media such as billboards, social media, SMS campaigns and radio, but will also include “below the line” communication with press releases and organization of events. Regional Distribution Companies communication will also have a key role in consumer acceptance through its image and of its employees and through the availability of a clear web-site, of local outlets and of a call center where people can ask their questions and present their concerns. All Regional Distribution Companies will be required to approve a Communication Plan and be present at the more populated locations.

Entities directly involved in the implementation of the Master Plan. Communication to this target will start by creating a “Rural Energy” brand and identity. Stationary such as caps or t-shirts will be distributed in key implementation events. Coordination and information sharing will be facilitated by a monthly Newsletter to be released by e-mail to all intervenient. The mailing list will be shared and used also to distribute Progress reports and other key information. The bi-annual Rural Energy Master Plan Council and the meetings of the Rural Energy High Level Committee will further reinforce communication and engagement.

Donors and other stakeholders. A prospectus on the Rural Energy Master Plan will be distributed to key donors and stakeholders. A web-site will be developed by RREA to communicate the results of the Master Plan, the Rural Electrification database and statistics, share the key reports and documents as well as job/procurement opportunities. An international mailing and roadshow to key potential donors will be implemented. A stakeholder annual meeting will be organized by RREA through the implementation of the Master Plan.